Saturday, 9 November 2013

Retrothrough Powerblade NES [3]

Part 3 - Sector 4 & Sector 5

Sector 4

The stage itself is different from the others, with a blue background. Go up the stairs to your LEFT. Climb to the top and going down to right below.
Proceed over the bridge, killing the cyborg and continue up. Kill the two nozzles that release animals and climb the ladder there, reaching the other more up. There at the top, RIGHT, there is an armor.
Go down to the right, even down there, on the stairs. Go down until you reach a fork: on one side, the pink-monkey-robot-son-of-a-bitch plays with your black ball and on the other hand, cannons sliding everywhere.
Go down to the other ladder below there.
The place is now a kind of freezer, where almost everything is frozen, UNLESS your contact there,  Linda Baker. OK, so at that time the economy was needed sprites, but they could have done a face of a woman, a man named LINDA is weird .... anyway, the important thing is to have the ID Card  and  following trip, now aside from the pink-monkey-robot-son-of-a-bitch.

 the dyke is waiting me

But you can not more go up therethe way is to turn around and face the sliding cannons . Kill them all and go up the first ladder you find. Avoid the balls and pick up another ARMOR, hidden down there. Give all turn around up and follow the path of the monkey.

Kill another on the bridge and climb. Now comes a series of floors, full of sliding and stopped cannons, but nothing so complicated. More at the top, a number of moving platforms to jump, if you fall, you killed instantly!
Climb over two floors, kill the two flying beings and enter the boss door.


A floating green thing that is changing sides and throw THUNDERS. As you enter the ARENA boss, stay quiet for just shoot up and do not stop. Ready. That's it.

easy boss to be won

Sector 4 solved, let's move on to the penultimate one!

Sector 5

Your only way early is a HUGE ladder. Climb up, kill the bastards at the top and down to the other side.
Go eliminating the soldiers and be careful to the cannons of the stage that resembles the stages of ship from Super Mario Bros. 3.
Down the stairs in thin , Nova will stop INSIDE the ship/submarine/base .Go killing the enemies and climb the first ladder . You will come out on top : go up again and a crowd of robotic soldiers will give you a warm welcome. Go around killing everything and climb the ladder there. Here are the top, the boss door  and the contact , but the bitch is UNDER the door , forcing him to take the ID Card and make the WHOLE BACK AGAIN !

Go down the only path available and go to the RIGHT . At least, there's a food item just below the cannon, down the hall . Go back , go up the stairs there , fall in front of the  other cannon and go down . The armor is right down there , but there are some bizarre enemies that fall from pipe there. Two things can happen : either you take the armor and loses right there , because the enemies do not stop to respawn, or you die TRYING to get the armor or you are good enough ( but still less than I) , runs, grabs the armor , kill all animals and still coming down the stairs before being hit ^ ^ !
the ship / submarine / base /mario's ship ass and the armor that I did not find = /

Downstairs, the place looks  like the ship / submarine / base  ass: all rusty, rotten and full of those monsters who loves jumping from water and shooting. What a beautiful thing!
This region're full of platforms to jump and some of them have a nice rolling ball , the famous screwed-contact. After this  true RIDE, but one RAIN of those bizarre animals happens, try to keep the armor, even if it is too much to ask, because further is full of robots and only ONE armor shot kill them. Go up one flight of stairs, kill the  pink-monkey-robot-son-of-a-bitch and climb again. Nova will come out in the early of stage, the part that remembers the ships of Super Mario Bros 3. GEEZ! Now just go around in almost ALL the stage and enter the boss door ¬ ¬!
It's a buck that is teleporting. In every teleportation, he shots in several directions, just dodge and throw your boomerang on it.
Just be smart, for him not teleport UPON you.

Monday, the last sector and, finally, the central computer ^ ^!

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