Friday 1 November 2013

Review: Super Mario Bros. (NES)

Super Mario Bros
-  Mario Bros Brothers -

Year: 1985
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
System: NES

Players: 1 or 2

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NOTES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Lupin's Rating ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Ahh, the mustache and his first game! Mario is a symbol of VIDEO GAMES, is in what sense is, everyone (or almost) knows Mustache and its weight by stepping on turtles.

In this first onset, we have the elements that broadcast and influenced an entire industry that was still rising, gradually, after the big thud that the ATARI 2600 had caused.

Super Mario Bros is charming even in name. Mario, a simple plumber with cap, must save the princess of his kingdom, Peach. POINT. That alone was enough to create the biggest icon of the gaming industry.

Thoughtful stages , remarkable music, beautiful graphics (for the time and even to this day), the average challenge (never finished ¬ ¬), endearing characters and enemies, everything that made the franchise so memorable came from a single instead, in a single game.

I find hard to put a score lower than 10 for the game, but I respect my colleagues if they do so. Super Mario Bros is for games like Michael Jackson is for pop music.

Final Score: 10

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