Wednesday 20 November 2013

Review - Megaman X (SNES)

Year: 1994 
Who did:

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NOTES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Lupin's Review ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Mega Man ​​X, Capcom's classic robot, reached the SNES with the surname X and a parallel story to tell.

This absolute classic, you control Megaman in thematic stages, choosing  bosses on a menu. Yes, it's like the old classic games of the series, but things have changed a lot ....

Besides charts, X can now find pieces of armor at specific stages, collecting hearts to increase energy and find up to 4 sub-tanks to store energy for use at those times of distress.

Both graphics and music are perfect! The gameplay is smooth, precise and perfect, Capcom is really master in this game!

Megaman X is one more mandatory game on the SNES , which reminds me that I just picked the cream of the console until now .... hm ... I think it's time to start showing the dark side of some islands in the next review heheheheheehe. BWAHAHAHAHA ..!!

Final Score: 10

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